Thursday, October 1, 2009

dum dee dum dum...

Head was spinning when I woke up this morning...I guess I really need the rest now...Just realised that right after Prelims I never really had a good rest because all the programmes the tutors have cooked up for us started right after the end of my last paper....and marking day wasn't even a marking day since we all have to go back to college for Econs camp.. LOL

I would say that the camp is worth going back on a 'holiday'...given that the tutors gave us new insights and perspectives in studying Econs... :)

Anyway...hopefully a good rest over the weekend will help me recover back my strength to face the new challenges ahead of me...

A moment of thought... Why queue in front of the doors at the MRT station when in the end you guys just barge in as if there's a horde of zombies attacking you from behind? It defeats the purpose of queuing up right? If you're 3rd or 4th in line...then just stay there..Is not that you won't be able to hop onto the train on time...There's no point in getting first the whole time if everyone is getting the same outcome...Right?

Same goes for As...there is no point in comparing prelim results with everyone if everyone is going to do well in the end of the day...Yeah...I'm being over-optimistic perhaps...But we still have more than a month to go..And I choose to believe (regardless of how pessimistic you are) that we will all get our desired results at the crossroads...And the reason I choose to use the term 'crossroads' is because our journey does not end at As...We have more options after As and there is no point mulling over poor A level results (touch wood!) and not moving on with life...

Guys...Cheer up! There is still hope after prelims and I believe that we must keep that hope burning inside of us no matter how strong the typhoon (no referring to the Ketsana Typhoon) might blow and tear us apart...

We have each other to help out :)

Anyway...readers taking As...I'm currently compiling a file consisting of prelims from other JCs for 2009 along with answer keys...those who needs help can always look for me....and those who want to contribute to this file to help others...feel free to notify me...

This file is for everyone to share....Let's go for As in As!!