Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Facts between me and my lupus:

1. I like to get things done asap. In the fury of getting things done, lupus tends to get in the way. Although it is wiser to take things easy to prevent unnecessary fatigue and K.O, I'd still like to "chiong" my work.

2. Despite the fact that luppie here is NOT active and mostly under the control of medication, certain organisations would not take the risk in allowing me to participate in certain activities, especially those involving heavy physical activities. Shucks.

3. If right now I'm getting better and better and taking less and less medications now, why is my bill still heading towards the glass ceiling?

4. There was one time I have my doubts whether this 'lupus' was real so I decided to find it out myself and stood under the sun. Skin feels like it's boiling. Not a very nice experience. Lupus confirmed.

5. Vampirism is the new lifestyle for me, avoid sun at all times (although sometimes I do catch a peek at the matahari once in a while. Sorry, I don't have glitter powder on me when sunlight touches my body. That will be the sickly looking Pattinson you're looking for. (I'm so sorry, Jacob looks better in my opinion. O.o)

6. Lupus affects a lot of my decisions so sometimes I sound a little self-centred. (sorry guys, health comes first for me, safety first for you because I'm still one heck of a daredevil :P)

7. Getting a flu means more tissue for you; Getting a flu means another knockout punch for me.
Getting a fever means MC for you; Getting a flu means A&E for me.
Getting a high fever that last for days means few nights stay at Tan Tock Seng Hospital; GEtting a high fever that last for days means RIP for me. (Immune system is lowered significantly to lower down the immune system's hyperactivity).

8. Lupus can be an advantage. (Oh, I'm sorry boss, I couldn't complete this assignment that you've given me 2 years ago and you wanted to hand it to you 2 weeks after you gave me this project? Yeah, I erm....I erm lupus you see...and uhh...I tend to get tired and lose focus easily? uhh....yeahh.....I'm sorry...I can't focus right now...I think a flare is coming yet to try that yet, but actual flare ups have so far prevented me from calling lupus as an 'advantage')

9. Life can still be good with lupus. The way I do things are pretty much different from before, but I can still deliver results (so far), and sometimes better than before.

10. Lupus is a long battle, but it doesn't mean that lupus can never be your friend. I have learned to understand my own lupus more and continue to learn more about it every day. Work with lupus and it is possible to achieve a normal life.

Yeap, please take note that the facts above are not based on books or texts, but on my experiences in dealing with lupus (I am a lupus patient in case you haven't know yet). So please do not quote this into your WRs, PIs, University assignments and etc etc etc.. However, please be aware that lupus is not an uncommon disease and there are many children and women who have lupus in Singapore. Help them pave a way to lead a normal life in Singapore :)